Jane Yang

Principal Software Engineer • HyperLearning AI

Jane Yang
Jane Yang
Principal Software Engineer

About Me

Jane Yang is a principal software engineer who specialises in the design, development, testing and deployment of modern software services including web services, APIs and distributed computing systems. Driven by her experiences when studying Computer Science at university where she was one of only a handful of female students, Jane is passionate about improving diversity in computer science and encouraging more women to embark upon careers in software engineering and data science.

Jane has deep expertise of designing and developing high-performance, resilient, test-driven and user-centered software services, and scalable and secure APIs, supporting a wide variety of systems including e-commerce websites, audio recognition and semantic data integration. Jane is also an active contributor to open-source software projects and advocates for the design and development of interoperable, extensible, vendor-agnostic and open-by-default software services. In addition to her software engineering expertise, Jane is also a keen graphic designer and content developer covering both technical and non-technical subject matters.

Core Skills

  • Software Engineering
    Java • Spring Framework • JUnit • Mockito • PHP • SQL • Linux
  • Distributed and Parallel Computing
    Elasticsearch • Apache Spark • RabbitMQ • Apache TinkerPop
  • Databases
    MySQL • PostgreSQL • MongoDB • Redis • JanusGraph
  • Public Cloud
    Amazon Web Services (AWS) • Microsoft Azure • Elastic Cloud • Linode

Selected Projects

  • OntoPop - Java Software Engineer
    Query and manage version-controlled W3C Web Ontology Language (OWL) ontologies via public APIs.
  • E-Commerce Website - Lead Software Engineer
    Development of an e-commerce website including inventory management and financial reporting services.


  • English • Native
  • Chinese Cantonese 廣東話 • Native
  • Chinese Mandarin 普通話 • Conversational
  • Japanese 日本語 • Beginner